The Calcutta High Court had issued an order July last year to ban commercial vehicles registered before Jan 1, 1993, from Kolkata and its outskirts. The court directed that all auto-rickshaws, irrespective of their date of registration, will have to convert LPG or CNG. This was in order to check the pollution levels in the city which has reached an alarming level. Is the State Government's initiative to check the pollution levels in the state some form of a demonic act?
Logically any public vehicle which has plied on the road for 15 years has earned it worth and needs to be replaced or altered with. Similar steps have been taken in major cities of the country like Delhi and have substantially brought the pollution levels down. What is that Mamata Banerjee and her party men opposing? Is it the clean air that the children should have the right to breathe? Or is it the step forward to bring Kolkata and West Bengal at par with other developed states in the country.
The only terms in Mamata's dictionary seems to be strikes, protests and blockades. Has she ever thought how much her insane acts hurt the state as well as the entire region. How many level headed souls would have thought of chasing away the Tatas form a industry starved state. What is it that she wants West Bengal to be? Why is it that she does not take on the government in the State Assembly and rather prefers taking them on the streets. The answer is simple good arguments need understanding of issues and a little bit of grey matter.
Any developmental project will hurt some section of the people. You cannot breathe fresh air when you have old vehicles smoking the road. The people of West Bengal at large and Kolkata in particular have to decide do they want to support such insane acts. The choice is between development and insanity and choosing the right way should not be difficult way for a balanced individual.